Our TEFAF New York presentation is featured in House & Garden

Senior Director Robin Cawdron-Stewart has written about our upcoming exhibit at Tefaf New York (10-14 May 2024) for House and Garden. 


"Gone are the days of ceramics being relegated purely to the ‘craft’, as today this versatile and universally regarded medium is being celebrated at the highest echelons of the art world. As part of the annual TEFAF New York fair London-based gallery Offer Waterman will be presenting forty exceptional works by three of the most celebrated artists working in ceramic over the past century. Lucie Rie, Magdalene Odundo and Jennifer Lee are widely considered the leading lights of the ceramic scene. All are artists whose techniques of production, whilst different, are drawn together by their unrivalled understanding and masterful handling of the earth’s most basic material – clay...."


Read the full article here: Three British ceramicists whose work you need to know

April 25, 2024